Our Dedication to Our Community

System Integrity and Environmental Sustainability

The health and safety of our communities and the environment are very important to Colonial. Our goal is to transport and handle products safely and responsibly. To maintain the integrity of our pipeline and facilities and to prevent a product spill, Colonial will always follow these principles:

  • We will not operate a facility or pipeline that does not have the designed protective devices in operation, unless an approved alternate protection method is utilized
  • All employees have the right and responsibility to shut down, in an orderly fashion, any system that they believe to be endangering the public, the environment, themselves, or their co-workers by way of stop work authority

Because a healthy environment benefits all of us, we make every effort to resolve quickly any incidents that occur. We continually assess and improve our processes and assets in order to protect our people and the communities in which we live and operate.

We work to set a good example for the rest of our industry by striving to meet or exceed the pipeline safety and environmental laws, regulations, and standards that apply to us.

Key Terms & Definitions:

Stop Work AuthorityEmpowers employees and contract workers with the responsibility and obligation to stop work when a perceived unsafe condition or behavior may result in an unwanted event.

Did You Know?

Colonial leads emergency response training initiatives so that local first responders understand how to properly respond should an incident occur along the pipeline system.

External Communications

We are committed to transparency in our public and external communications. As a Company, we want to have a clear, consistent voice when providing information to the public, media, customers, and other stakeholders. For this reason, it is important that only authorized persons speak on behalf of the Company. Never give the impression that you are speaking on behalf of Colonial in any communication that may become public if you are not authorized to do so. If you receive an information request, forward it the appropriate internal contact.

Did You Know?

Refer all media requests to:

Corporate Communications
1 – 888-840‑0213
[email protected]

Social Media

If you participate in online forums, blogs, newsgroups, chat rooms, or bulletin boards, never speak on behalf of Colonial unless you are authorized to do so. If your social networking includes any information related to Colonial, please make it clear that the views expressed are yours alone and that they do not reflect the views of/​are not authorized by the Company.* Before you hit the send’ button, use good judgment and common sense. These types of communications live forever.

A Few Guidelines for Personal Social Media Use

  • Feel free to like, share and offer comments on Colonial social media posts
  • Do not post your own Colonial-related contact information on social media, unless approved by Corporate Communications
  • Remember that the Internet is a public place and take care not to disclose confidential information
  • Never comment on confidential and nonpublic Company information, such as the Company’s current or future business performance or business plans, or confidential shipper information
  • Be fair and courteous, and never post content that may be viewed as malicious, obscene, harassing, defamatory, or discriminatory
  • If you read an online comment about Colonial that you believe is incorrect, do not respond. Instead, contact the Communications Department

Did You Know?

Colonial has official social media sites. Stay up on the latest Colonial news and announcements.

Linkedin & Facebook: Colonial Pipeline Company
Instagram: @colonialpipeline
Twitter: @colpipe


Q: What can I post on my LinkedIn profile about Colonial?

A. You can disclose your affiliation with Colonial, but you must always be mindful that the internet is a public place. We should never disclose any of Colonial’s confidential information or make comments on behalf of Colonial. You are encouraged to share and engage Colonial’s official posts on LinkedIn and other social media channels.

Political and Charitable Activities

You have the right to voluntarily participate in the political process, including making personal political contributions. However, you must always make it clear that your personal views and actions are not those of Colonial.

You must never use Company funds to make contributions intended to influence the official actions of politicians, political parties, or public officials. At Colonial, we do not use Company funds or resources to contribute to any political campaign, political party, political candidate, or any of their affiliated organizations.

Contributions and Memberships

Colonial makes contributions only in accordance with our Company’s philanthropic philosophy, which include good corporate citizenship, environmental concern, and support for public awareness and emergency response agencies.

Corporate Political Activities

Our Company has the right to express its opinion on any matters affecting us or our shippers, shareholders, or local communities. Lobbying activities require disclosure and are subject to specific rules. If you are involved in activities that could qualify as lobbying, contact the Director of Government Affairs to determine whether disclosure and other rules apply.

Key Terms & Definitions:

LobbyingSeeking to influence a politician or public official on an issue.


Q: We’re opening a new facility and are having a ribbon-cutting ceremony. We want to invite the mayor and some city councilors. Would that be a problem?

A. You must get approval from the Director of Government Affairs before inviting an elected official or other governmental officer to attend a Company event. If the invitee is in the midst of a reelection campaign, the Company event could be viewed as support for the campaign. Any food, drink, or transportation provided to the invitee could be considered a gift. In either case, there would be limits and reporting obligations.


Q: I would like Colonial to sponsor a golf tournament supporting a local community organization. What is the process?

A. All company sponsorships and donation requests should be handled through Government Affairs. Approvals are outlined in the Delegation of Authority (DOA) Policy.

Did You Know?

Through the Colonial Cares program, the Company provides more than 1,400 volunteer hours annually to projects, such as river cleanups, tree plantings, and park restoration projects.