Colonial Press Release

Colonial Pipeline Plans Investment To Expand Service To South Georgia

ATLANTA, Ga. — Colonial Pipeline Co. today announced plans to increase capacity on its pipeline system from Atlanta to Bainbridge, Ga. 

The explansion will involve construction of new pumping stations at Griffin and Montezuma, Ga. 

By installing additional pumps at these locations, and making other appropriate modifications to our system, we will increase our capacity to serve customers in South Georgia by 27 per cent,” said David L. Lemmon, the Atlanta-based president and chief executive officer of Colonial Pipeline. This will give us the ability to increase shipper deliveries of gasoline, diesel fuel, home heating oil and other fuels by more than 980,000 gallons per day. When modifications are completed next year, maximum capacity of the line will increase from 3.6 million gallons per day to 4.6 million gallons per day.” 

Lemmon said Colonial is estimating the cost of the expansion at $13 million. We currently deliver an average of 3.5 million gallons per day to the growing South Georgia market,” he said. On some days, shipper demand exceeds our 3.6 million gallon per day maximum capacity.” 

Most Colonial deliveries are of gasoline and farm diesel fuel to shipper terminals at Griffin, Macon, Americus, Albany and Bainbridge. Fuels are trucked from the pipeline terminals to local bulk plants and retail outlets. 

Pipelines remain the safest, least expensive and most environmentally friendly way of transporting petroleum for long distances over land,” Lemmon said.