
With over 5,500 miles of pipeline and multiple associated tank farms and terminals between Houston and Linden, N.J., our infrastructure is extensive and complex. The most valuable resources for our operations are our people and our partnerships with the communities we serve. At Colonial, we recognize that our relationships with one another, internally and externally, are crucial; we perform better when we can rely on our partnerships with people.

We are committed to continue placing a high value on these partnerships and increasing the level of collaboration through enhanced communication structures and deploying tools to ensure our employees, community partners, and other stakeholders can trust that their voice is heard and respected, and that their needs are being met. The investments we make in our partnerships are purpose-driven to ensure we are maximizing value beyond our bottom line.

Community Engagement

Colonial believes in making positive impacts in the communities where we live, work, and serve. We have a long history of supporting communities through volunteer initiatives and monetary partnerships, in addition to the value we create by providing a safe and affordable way to meet the critical need for energy in our operating area. 

Over the past decade, Colonial has contributed millions to nonprofit organizations in the communities we serve, including conservancies, riverkeepers and nature centers, schools, first responders, nutritional assistance programs, and other community organizations. Additionally, our employees have supported their communities through volunteerism, including removing trash from local rivers, planting trees, and engaging Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) programming in schools. By fostering long-term, cooperative relationships, our partnerships are built for resilience and trust.

Inclusion & Diversity

At Colonial, we recognize that workforce diversity and inclusion results in better decision-making, greater team engagement, and increased room for innovation. We value those with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and abilities, who can help us think differently and lead teams and projects to success. We strengthen our partnerships and value proposition when everyone feels valued and respected, always seeking to embody our RAISE values — Respect, Accountability, Innovation, Safety, and Excellence.

From field operations to executive offices, Colonial seeks to provide opportunities for the entire workforce to fulfill their full potential and we are identifying opportunities for further improvement across all demographics and areas of operations. We are focused on implementing best practices and expanding our organizational structure to build a more diverse workforce throughout Colonial.

Employee Attraction, Development & Retention

Colonial’s workplace culture is driven by the ability to work for a unique enterprise that is responsible for meeting the critical need for energy in our operating area. The company values its employees including their safety and their careers, as reflected in our RAISE values. We offer competitive benefits and compensation packages to help make our workforce proud to be part of Colonial. We invest in expanding opportunities for career development pathways for our employees and regularly evaluate company culture. To ensure our employees feel valued and appreciated for the critical work that they do, Colonial provides recognition and rewards through our CPC Cares program, performance management, incentive programs, training and development, and advancement opportunities. We are committed to creating and maintaining an environment where everyone’s voice matters and while treating all of our employees with respect.

Occupational Health & Safety

Safety is a foundational value at Colonial. Our safety philosophy is built on a fundamental obligation to the communities and customers we serve, our owners and business partners, and our workforce to operate safely every day. Our Safety Culture is built on an accountable workforce – including both employees and contractors – that is committed to safety. We do not compromise safety for any business objective. Interdependent to our culture, Colonial’s Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic framework of resources, controls, processes, and other mechanisms that help ensure safety excellence. Colonial’s Safety Culture and SMS are institutionalized through commitment and support from the Colonial Leadership Team. Driven by leaders across the workforce, a strong safety culture and system enable the team to drive a Zero Incidents approach by starting each operation, project, initiative and activity with a belief that Zero is Possible. The health and safety programs outlined in our SMS and Safety Awareness Manual are based on standards developed by entities such as American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and are built into the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of our system.