One-third of all major pipeline incidents in the U.S. are caused by excavation damage. These incidents can result in service disruptions, project delays, fines, injuries, and even death. Excavators can also be held responsible for repair, loss of service, and clean-up costs.

That’s why it is important to know what’s below the ground before beginning any excavation project. Laws in every state require excavators to call 811 before digging to have underground utility lines located and marked. Whether you are digging a foundation for a new subdivision, installing a fence or driveway, or just landscaping along the right of way, you need to call 811 to understand where it’s safe to dig.

Some communities also have local laws that require developers to consult with pipeline operators on safe land use near pipelines. Contact local authorities during the project planning process to understand any local risk-based land use guidelines

Considerations for Excavators

  • Do you always call 811? Calling 811 to have underground lines located before you dig can help prevent incidents that could result in costs for your company. 
  • Do you know the wait time in your state between making a call to 811 and starting excavation?
  • Did you know that even a small tear in a pipeline coating during excavation can result in a future spill?

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