Colonial Press Release

Colonial Pipeline Co. Holds Annual Unannounced Drill In Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 14 – 15

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Colonial Pipeline Co. held its annual unannounced drill in Birmingham, Ala. on September 14 – 15, 2015. The purpose of the drill was to improve Colonial’s ability to respond to a pipeline emergency. Although employees were made aware of the week the drill would take place, the location, scenario and exact date of the drill remained unannounced. This type of drill is unique to our industry and test our employees’ ability to respond without warning, or the ability to plan for a scenario. Improving its emergency preparedness is a strategic initiative for Colonial in 2015. 

In this year’s drill scenario, a rupture occurred on Colonial’s Line 01 from a third party line strike and 16,000 bbls. of gasoline spilled into the Cahaba River in Shelby County. The Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Shelby County Fire Department, Shelby County Hazmat and the Alabama Emergency Management Agency all participated in the drill. This type of collaboration by Colonial and first responders improves everyone’s ability to keep the communities we share our pipeline with safe. Colonial’s objectives in the drill were to ensure public health and safety, protect the environment and restore community assets. 

Over 300 Colonial employees and contractors participated in the drill that was organized and planned by Colonial’s emergency response and environmental teams, The Response Group (TRG), Emergency Management Services International (EMSI) and Cookerly Public Relations. The Renaissance Birmingham Ross Bridge Hotel served as the Incident Command Center for the drill.

About Colonial Pipeline Co.

Based in Alpharetta, Ga., Colonial is a 5,500-mile pipeline system transporting gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, home heating oil and fuels for the U.S. military. The network of underground pipelines originates in Houston, Texas, and terminates at Linden, N.J., on the New York harbor.